Time is starting to go fast here. Sorry I havent posted for so long- I am back in the North now doing my work placement at Youth Alive, an organization that sponsors street kids through school, university and appreticeships. I am mostly entering case files and doing extra school classes with the kids. It is good work, but at first I felt very wierd being in and out of their lives so fast. I will only be with them for 8 weeks. It also felt wierd being another young, white vollunteer in Tamale- the NGO capital of Ghana for 15 years and still in pretty much the same shape. People just go in and out of here all the time. But its good- it's really made me really analyse power dynamics and my purposes for being here.
I am living in a compound house with another student and some lovely Ghanaians. I usually work late as the kids just want to soak up everything you can give them. It is so wierd working with street kids who are so eager to learn and be good- I feel more comfortable with teenagers who hate the world, wont listen to a word you say and want to drop out of school. I can get that. This I don't get- young people who are desperate for the opportunity to get an education. Who will come after school on an empty stomache and listen to 3 hours more of teaching until the sun starts to set. I love working with the Junior high kids because they are at the age where they are trying to really figure out their place in the world. I love stimulating their thinking. I love giving them an opportunity to speak their minds and opinions.
God has really blessed me a lot in this place- and is opening a ton of doors for me. He is showing me the value of hard work, sacrifice, suffering and love and what it means to store up our treasures in heaven. I have been humbled and blessed and amazed.
I also went to visit my friend's village this weekend and got a Guinea fowl from the chief as a gift. So cool!!! :)
This blog is dead.
13 years ago
Was the guinea fowl yummy?