Thursday, December 17, 2009

Deck the halls with boughs of...

bamboo? palm trees? I don't know, its too wierd being in a tropical climate for christmas to say. I proposed to the nuns yesterday that they let me build them a christmas tree out of plam branches for their christmas party on the 23rd and we could hang candies off it.

I also suggested to my friend selina who im staying with that we could have a bonfire and christmas carols and roast the ghanain equivelant to marshmellows over it.

Last night i chased a giant cockroach around my room with a sandel while I was half asleep. It was disgusting and I didn't know cockroaches could fly like that.. esspecially not right on top of you in the middle of the night.

Yesterday on my travels I had another God-given-coincidence meeting which I was super excited about, when I saw my friend Prince who Id lost touch with shortly before leaving Accra last time and had been praying to get ahold of out my tro window. I basically leaped out of the vehicle and ran accross the pavement to meet him. He runs an NGO educating people that will be effected by next years oil exploitation about their righst.

I think Ghana's plans for exploiting oil next year are bound for disastor. The feilds are already owned by international coorporations and there have been essencially no efforts put forward to ensure rehabillitation for coastal communities.

I also think that Canada's oil exploitation and environmental irresponsability is ridiculous. Its bad for the world and bad for the soul. Way to go Harper, way to go. Anyone been following the copenhagan talks? My friend went there for Christmas. I hope that he has stories about dodging police officers from protests when he gets back.

1 comment:

  1. "Last night i chased a giant cockroach around my room with a sandel while I was half asleep. It was disgusting and I didn't know cockroaches could fly like that.. esspecially not right on top of you in the middle of the night."

    hahahahaha such a funny little video in my mind jenny
